
My Name is Egbern G. Umbat


In physics, measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved over a distance by an external force at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement. If the force is constant, work may be computed by multiplying the length of the path by the component of the force acting along the path. Work done on a body is accomplished not only by a displacement of the body as a whole from one place to another but also, for example, by compressing a gas, by rotating a shaft, and even by causing invisible motions of the particles within a body by an external magnetic force.


An organization, usually composed of business and professional men or women, that promotes fellowship among its members and is devoted to the principle of volunteer community service. The idea of the service club originated in the United States and has had its greatest popularity there, though service clubs no

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    The sum of activities involved in directing the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers.

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    Next envisioned iteration of the World Wide Web, in which the 2.0 appellation is used in analogy with common computer software naming conventions to indicate a new, improved version. The term had its origin in the name given to a series of Web conferences, first organized by publisher Tim O'Reilly in 2004.

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    A set of APIs (application programming interfaces) designed to handle multimedia tasks on Microsoft Corporation's Windows OS (operating system). Developed in 1995, DirectX represented Microsoft's effort to make Windows a more game-friendly platform.

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    French clandestine extremist group that emerged in 1979 and is believed to have been an amalgam of earlier groups.

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    See industrial design; interior design. See also advertising; architecture; typography; and other subject areas in which design is fundamental.

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    American screwball comedy, released in 1931, that is still widely regarded as one of Hollywood's most accomplished farces.


in U.S. private industry, an organization of employees that is concerned primarily with welfare and recreational activities. In public employment, employee associations also advocate legislative and administrative action in matters of compensation and working conditions. Employee associations developed as company unions in the United States in the late 19th century. With the increasing unionization of labour in the 1930s, company unions virtually ceased to exist and employee associations took on their present character. Membership in employee associations may be automatic upon employment, which implies some degree of employer sponsorship, or voluntary, which indicates less direct employer support. In either case, the principal activities include some or all of the following: the provision of various forms of group insurance programs (e.g., life, health, automobile, and so forth); the operation of a credit union; the supervision of recreational centres or vacation resorts; the operation of medical centres, cooperative stores, or buying clubs; and the sponsorship of athletic teams or cultural events.

  • 2007 - 2009

    Facebook Admin


    American company offering online social networking services. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, all of whom were students at Harvard University. Facebook became the largest social network in the world, with more than one billion users as of 2012, and about half that number were using Facebook every day. The company's headquarters are in Menlo Park, California.

  • 2009 - 2010

    Youtube Admin

    Google Inc.

    Web site for sharing videos. It was registered on February 14, 2005, by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim, three former employees of the American e-commerce company PayPal. They had the idea that ordinary people would enjoy sharing their “home videos.” The company is headquartered in San Bruno, California.

  • 2001 - 2017

    Google Admin

    Google Inc.

    In 2006, in what many in the industry considered the opening salvo in a war with the Microsoft Corporation, Google introduced Google Apps—software hosted by Google that runs through users' Web browsers. The first free programs included Google Calendar (a scheduling program), Google Talk (an instant-messaging program), and Google Page Creator (a Web-page-creation program); in order to use these free programs, users had to tolerate advertisements and be reconciled to having their data stored on Google's equipment. This type of deployment, in which both the data and the programs are located somewhere “out there” on the Internet, is often called cloud computing.

  • 2017 - NOW

    Twitter Admin

    Google Inc.

    Online microblogging service for distributing short messages among groups of recipients via personal computer or mobile telephone. Twitter incorporates aspects of social networking Web sites, such as Myspace and Facebook, with instant messaging technologies to create networks of users who can communicate throughout the day with brief messages, or “tweets.” A user types a tweet via mobile phone keypad or computer and sends it to Twitter's server, which relays it to a list of other users (known as followers) who have signed up to receive the sender's tweets by either text message to their mobile phones or by instant message to their personal computers. In addition, users can elect to track specific topics, creating a dialogue of sorts and pushing the number of followers in a given Twitter feed into the millions. Tweets may be on any subject, ranging from jokes to news to dinner plans, but they cannot exceed 140 characters.


The ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice.



Discipline that is concerned with methods of teaching and learning in schools or school-like environments as opposed to various nonformal and informal means of socialization (e.g., rural development projects and education through parent-child relationships).

  • 2002 - 2008

    Information System

    US University

    An integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Business firms and other organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations, interact with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the marketplace. For instance, corporations use information systems to reach their potential customers with targeted messages over the Web, to process financial accounts, and to manage their human resources. Governments deploy information systems to provide services cost-effectively to citizens. Digital goods, such as electronic books and software, and online services, such as auctions and social networking, are delivered with information systems. Individuals rely on information systems, generally Internet-based, for conducting much of their personal lives: for socializing, study, shopping, banking, and entertainment.


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